Kobe and the Lakers
Kobe and the Lakers
Okay! Enough is enough Kobe! Quit ball hogging at the end of close games. Your time has passed. I can't stand you demanding the ball with 20 seconds on the clock, dribbling the ball for 17 seconds, then miss the shot. There are other good shooters on the floor. YOU last that game last night. Can't you sit out a few more games? Please.
Liberalism is like an out-of-control 5 year old at McDonalds. All the talking to and admonishment won't make a difference. They have no concept of right or wrong, they are nothing more than narcissists.
Re: Kobe and the Lakers
enough is never enough. This is what Kobe is programmed for anything else makes him feel uncomfortable. It's a symptom of a deeper control issue condition

- Parrotpaul
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Re: Kobe and the Lakers
Kobe is an obsessive when it comes to basketball...for the team over the years that has been a good thing...as far as winning titles...but, like Larry BIrd and probably other greats....there is never a time they aren't totally on and demand the same "on-ness" of those around them. Kobe will be in a wheelchair at 50 if he keeps it up. He is as good as any of the others who have come and gone, but there are some incredible talents now playing the game. I have finally caved in to the notion the HEAT could be the best team ever at their present level of play and talent. The West has the rest of the pack...Thunder, Clippers, San Antonio. Lebron......unreal.
"I think I may say that of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful or not, by their education." John Locke