Looking back, some of the funniest stuff now bordered on tragedy then. Lots of rented limos, family cars, tuxes, gowns, and whatever else was in the way at the moment got puked on and in...many parents got called and asked to come pick up their "sick" son or daughter....Proms during the 70s were tough to chaperone....lots of kids knowing more about the drug/booz culture than their tee-totaling teacher-chaperones. back before schools started drug-booz free programs and nights. We never had a problem once they started corraling the kids inside the gym...once they went out the door, they didn't get back in unless someone needed to get something...two of us male and female would accompany the person to their car to get a jacket, camera, or whatever else. Any kid who in any way shape or form suggested he had been drinking or and smoking..easy to smell...and those eyes...oceanvue wrote:
Wow I bet. I love the movie American Graffiti.
word to Mods: We ain't jackin' we're just nudging

The hilarity was watching young adults coping with their first demanding adult responsibility where most of them had to be adults interacting socially with other adults..teachers, parents, friends...they were on display for all to watch, and they were usually..I'm speaking about the guys for the most part, wearing some colossally funny looking formal tuxedo in peach, lime, grape....trying to dance slow dances and trying to be a gentleman.....after two hours, they're into it, and the jackets, ties, cumberbunds, and most other stuff they didn't need was somewhere on the floor...just the guys again...most parents had left, and for another couple hours the kids hung in there and had greaat times. Graduation, summer, no more school, no more kids for the summer...best night of their lives to that point at that moment, and we went on vacation the next day...all good. The girls always handled the entire night much easier and with more aplomb than the guys. The girls carried themselves like young ladies...loving the whole experience....Sorry for the rant.