Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

Fordama wrote: I find it kind of cute when Trump supporters hint that he is following some sort of plan or some sort of thought out position. Like grownups who still believe in Santa Claus.
I find it wimpy of you to trot out this passive aggressive stuff. You're better than this pink hat crap, right?

Also find it typical you would lump what I wrote as proof of being a Trump supporter.

Lastly, it's disappointing a math teacher is oblivious to the possibility that not belonging to Group A doesn't necessarily mean you're in Group B.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Omar Bongo »

Speaking of passive/aggressive, it's puzzling how much effort you put into defending his actions and complaining about "Trump bashing" yet are reluctant to admit you support him. Are you a passive supporter?
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Fordama »

Bick wrote:I find it wimpy of you to trot out this passive aggressive stuff. .
It's not passive-aggressive, it's snarky.

It was a nicer way of saying "people who believe Trump has a studied, well thought out foreign policy are really idiots. Probably close to the level of needing institutionalization."
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

Omar - I'm not reluctant at all. He's the POTUS, and I'm a citizen of the US. I actively support him despite not voting for him, or agreeing with everything he says or does. Did the same with the last guy, and the guy before that, and on, and on.

The incessant bashing of the POTUS flies in the face of what I believe in, and those who engage in it hurt the country. I felt the same way about the last guy, and found myself defending him against what I felt were BS attacks from the right - much in the same way I defend your school in the HS forum. If you want to accuse me of anything, you can call me an Objectivity Supporter.

As it relates to THIS thread, I doubt the current turn of events was part of some grand scheme, but I'm open to the possibility it was and/or it will work out to make the world safer in the long run. Pretty hard for Kim to argue he wasn't given the opportunity to join the rest of the world. We'll see how it plays out.

This is a decent synopsis of what I believe in. Our legal immigrants have to make this pledge as part of becoming citizens, and I'm pretty sure most of them gladly support the POTUS, regardless of who it happens to be at the moment. You could learn something from them.
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure
all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or
sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;
that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States
of America against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true
faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the
United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant
service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law;
and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or
purpose of evasion, so help me God.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

Fordama wrote: It's not passive-aggressive, it's snarky.

It was a nicer way of saying "people who believe Trump has a studied, well thought out foreign policy are really idiots. Probably close to the level of needing institutionalization."
Geez...feels like I'm hashing out the nuances of paint colors w/ my wife. "It's not White, it's Whisper"
A well-timed witty comment among friends is good humor. But passive-aggressive comments that mask anger lurking just beneath the surface constitute snark. ... a133aa1cdb
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Fordama »

I ignored your tone-policing and simply said it is a straighforward way for you.

And that article is not for you.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Vilepagan »

Bick wrote: The incessant bashing of the POTUS flies in the face of what I believe in, and those who engage in it hurt the country.
That's fine, but must everyone share your views on how to treat the president? I happen to feel it's part of a citizen's duty to speak out when their president puts his foot in it and this president does it every time he takes a step. As far as harm to this country I think it would harm the country more to ignore trump's idiocy.
I felt the same way about the last guy, and found myself defending him against what I felt were BS attacks from the right...
Great, I commend you for defending Obama against the BS, but the attacks on trump aren't BS and they're hardly comparable.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Fordama »

The President doesn't get treated any worse than how he treats others. In fact, he gets treated better.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

This is nothing more than unobjective, partisan politics, and it's destroying our country. You justifying it is really weak.

Any semblance of civility between democrats and republicans has pretty much gone out the window. We are divided as a country, and we're falling. Do you think your actions here serve to unify, or divide?
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Wabash »

Please detail what issues Trump supporters are willing to concede in the interest of unification? This is important since the group they support controls all three branches of the federal government.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Fordama »

Bick wrote:This is nothing more than unobjective, partisan politics, and it's destroying our country.
Yes, Trump is doing just that.

And after 8 years of the types of people supporting Trump absolutely treating the previous Democratic President with a complete lack of respect, I'm not too patient about their whining now. Stop being snowflakes.

Now Trump's off in Europe insulting our most important allies. He's dividing Americans from each other with his fear based rhetoric, and separating our country from our important allies.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

Finger pointing from the left...of course it's Trump's fault. From the right, it was Obama that made everything about race and started the divide. Unless you're saying we were united BEFORE Trump was elected?

Not whining about the divide - just stating a fact. You can justify it all you want. Just know there are consequences. My inclination is to reject partisanship and encourage objective dialogue.

As for Europe and NATO, you're saying it's OK they don't pay their agreed upon share of defense? Obama and Bush both said it more eloquently than Trump, and didn't really move the needle. He's being rude, but we'll have to see if it ends up being more effective. Same with the tariff stuff. My limited negotiation experience pales in comparison to his, so I'll defer to him when it comes to these issues. Interesting how so many refer to him as an idiot considering his relative success to theirs. I've been marginally successful in my life, and I'm truly humbled comparing myself to him when it comes to any negotiation issues.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Vilepagan »

Bick wrote: This is nothing more than unobjective, partisan politics, and it's destroying our country. You justifying it is really weak.
It actually has very little to do with politics. If trump were a democrat I'd still call him a moron. Again, I think any weakness here is demonstrated by your desire to mollify, coddle, or overlook bad behavior on the part of your guy, while complaining about those who would see him improve his behavior.
Any semblance of civility between democrats and republicans has pretty much gone out the window.
Yeah well perhaps you should tell your fellow Republicans not to steal SC judges and the like. Behavior like that belies civility.
Do you think your actions here serve to unify, or divide?
Please don't confuse my words for actions. You want to complain about actions talk to someone who has more power.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

Vile - pretend you've got a modicum of intellect for a second and note I'm not a Republican. You've got absolutely ZERO credibility, and I'd rather you just screw off instead of engaging me in any conversation. I haven't engaged you - so just go play with yourself.

Also, unless you really are in some alternate reality, Trump is YOUR president if you're a citizen of the US.

Run along now.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by John Q. Public »

Bick wrote: ...Obama that made everything about race and started the divide.
Obama didn't make it about race, but when it was about race to start with he didn't back away from it. If anything, his detractors were the ones who "made it about race."
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Vilepagan »

Bick wrote: Vile - pretend you've got a modicum of intellect for a second and note I'm not a Republican.
I have more than a modicum of intellect which is why I don't care one whit what you want to call yourself or how much you want to pretend to not be a Republican. I realize you don't like me Bick but I'm not going to go away just because you cry a lot.

Yes I realize trump is everyone's president, but I don't have to like it or remain silent about it, and if you don't like that it's just too damn bad.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Professor Fate »

Vilepagan wrote: I realize you don't like me Bick
Hahaha! Does your mother even like you?
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by MDDad »

VP must have had some grumpy granola for breakfast.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Bick »

John Q. Public wrote: Obama didn't make it about race, but when it was about race to start with he didn't back away from it. If anything, his detractors were the ones who "made it about race."
Cops acted stupidly...that could've been my son...we'll agree to disagree about that. For what it's worth, the notion that someone believes his bloodline is superior to another's is purely nonsensical unless they happen to be running at Santa Anita. Anyone who espouses that idea is a complete moron, but those who go so far as to protest what a moron thinks is actually worse.
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Re: Kim Jong Un to Meet with Trump!

Post by Wabash »

Yeah, because ignoring them worked out so well last time.
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