"Unprecedented" global warming in context

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Re: "Unprecedented" global warming in context

Post by GOODave »

Fordama wrote:He's brought some fancy pieces of propaganda.
Ah .. O.K., gotcha:

So you DIDN'T read them.

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Re: "Unprecedented" global warming in context

Post by not4u13 »

Fordama wrote: I agree. However, if you look at the manufactured outrage concerning these recent emails, the actual warming is what is getting attacked--even though no evidence to the contrary is actually presented.

Now that makes sense.

I do agree that too much is being made of those comments contained in the messages. It is common practice to discuss data to be included or excluded when trying to build data-driven models. The perception is that those e-mail conversations indicate a collaboration to manipulate data to arrive at a preconceived conclusion. The truth is that these messages are taken out of context and don't really point to much of anything. They are curious to be sure but that is about it.
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Re: "Unprecedented" global warming in context

Post by AsIfYouKnew »

Fordama wrote:He's brought some fancy pieces of propaganda.

As opposed to the objective view from the Global Warming community? Puleez.
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Re: "Unprecedented" global warming in context

Post by Logic.in.LN »

Fordama wrote:I agree. However, if you look at the manufactured outrage concerning these recent emails, the actual warming is what is getting attacked--even though no evidence to the contrary is actually presented.

The focus of the outrage should not be on the warming itself. It is rightly placed on the manipulation and omission of data to improve the desired results as well as the attempts to prevent legitimate peer review and access to the data.

As far as the Copenhagen 192 and the US liberal congress is concerned there is no possible dissent. Global warming has taken on a religious fanaticism for them and their foundation of their obsession is that it is all man made.
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